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Friday, September 20, 2024

Major General Salami: We are waiting for a wrong move by the Zionists to destroy them

The Commander-in-Chief of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Major General Salami said: The enemy is trying to create doubt and ambiguity in the minds, either to break our sanctities or to turn things upside down so that the society suffers from tension and anxiety.

Major General Hossein Salami, Commander-in-Chief of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, in an intimate meeting with a group of members of the media, which was held on the occasion of the 17th of Mordad, in the Public Relations Conference Hall of the Revolutionary Guards; In honor of the memory of the martyrs of the Islamic Revolution, especially the Mujahideen in the field of information and news, he mentioned the country’s journalists as the messengers of the Islamic Revolution and said: You are in the war of narratives, which is the focal point of the battle between the Islamic Revolution and arrogance, and you are familiar with its complex and mysterious dimensions.

The Commander-in-Chief of the IRGC stated that in today’s world, words have become very powerful and can figure out many movements and political, social, cultural, etc. changes: Today, words like rockets and bullets that are thrown have a new dimension, and in today’s world, which is the world of death, distances, the geography of minds is gradually overcoming the borders.

He added: In the realm of public opinion today, we face the psychological radius of events rather than the physical scale. For example, a small incident in one part of the world can create a great deal of excitement in unrelated geography and affect a large field.

Saying that the Western media war is designed based on the sum of different minds of human beings who decide by forming an interconnected level, Major General Salami added: On the other hand, the enemy is trying to create doubt and ambiguity in our minds, either to break our sanctities or to turn things upside down so that the society suffers from tension and anxiety.

Emphasizing the role and position of journalists and media in the contemporary world and the need to use effective methods to express the facts and confront the enemy’s media war, he said: Today, in a way, these are the journalists who run the world, they can both create anxiety and worry and produce peace with special news and putting words together.

He added: I advise the media to have a lasting sentence in the report you prepare; Some reporters think that it is just a matter of acting professionally and reporting only one event, while some people think of producing higher excitement in addition to the excitement that the news produces; Therefore, in addition to narrating the event and reality, we must also pay attention to the production of excitement and added value in order to recognize the power of the people.

The IRGC Commander-in-Chief stating that the Islamic Republic of Iran is facing a great cultural attack due to its many differences with the West, said: We have learned how to live independently, so everyone wants to defeat us, but the reality is that we are moving forward with authority.

He added: We have many talents and capacities to overcome the opponent; we have grown up in war and we are used to defeating the enemy and by the grace of God we have overcome them in all scenes.

Referring to the recent comments of the Zionist regime officials against Islamic Iran, the IRGC Commander-in-Chief said: The rhetoric of an Israeli official may make some people think, but the truth is that we are waiting for a wrong move from them to destroy them.

He added: The enemies have been pushed back by the Islamic Revolution and no one has exhausted their power as much as we have; Because our nation has provided the means for them to leave their shelters.

Also in this meeting, a group of media managers presented their views and opinions.

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