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Friday, September 20, 2024

Bin Salman legitimizes the detention of Palestinians in Saudi Arabia

Two years after the arrest of Hamas cadres in Saudi Arabia and the failure of Arab mediation and proposals for the release of Hamas detainees, the Saudi criminal court has handed down heavy sentences against 66 Palestinians and Jordanians for their affiliation with Hamas and “supporting terrorism.”

Among those convicted are Mohammed al-Khadiri, a former Hamas representative in Saudi Arabia, and his son Hani. Al-Khadri, who is more than 80 years old and has been living legally in Saudi Arabia for about 30 years, has not taken any action to destabilize the country, and all his actions and those of his other friends was to support the Palestinians has been under siege in the Gaza Strip.

Surprisingly, supporting the besieged in the Gaza Strip and supporting the militant forces who sacrifice their lives for Islamic sanctities is a crime and a terrorist act in a country like Saudi Arabia, and their perpetrators are being prosecuted.

Some regret why things in some Arab countries reach a point where their officials are persecuting honorable and free people and opponents of the Zionist occupation, while those who openly encourage normalization and incitement to embrace the Zionists are free and do not face any threat.

Some say that things have changed in Saudi Arabia; That is, if Mohammad Al-Khadri had provided financial, political and media support to the Zionist regime, he would still have been persecuted by the Riyadh authorities and would have been sentenced to 15 years in prison?!

But we look at this action of the Saudi criminal court from another angle, that is, from the perspective of the developments related to the power struggle between the sons and grandsons of Abdul Aziz Al Saud, whose wick was ignited by King Salman when he ousted his son Muhammad bin Nayef he made “Muhammad bin Salman” the crown prince.

This raw prince, in the presence of rivals and enemies over his throne, is trying to remove all obstacles in this way, so he has chosen to serve the Zionists, which is one of the best and closest ways to gain American friendship, so that the Americans can do this service by “legitimizing his power.”

It goes without saying that all of King Abdul Aziz’s children have taken their “legitimacy” from the United States.

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